Ask The Arc
How Can I Contribute to The Arc?

Downtown Frederick provides the "feels" that are fit for a Holiday Movie. Festivities can be enjoyed just as much as a solo stroll under the twinkling lights of Carroll Creek and Market Street. The season offers a time of reflection on the past and resolutions for tomorrow.
Our community's non-profits are grateful for the contributions made by vested individuals, families, and local businesses. As you plan your giving this season, The Arc of Frederick County invites your to consider connections that will continue to cultivate throughout the calendar year as we collaborate.
The Arc supports many qualified candidates who are equipped to put their passions, skills, and talents to work in the local economy. the Arc not only makes initial connections between applicants and businesses, we offer ongoing support so the person hired is successful in their job as well as support to the business so they can learn and maintain best practices in diversifying their place of employment. We invite business leaders to contact The Arc to learn more about hiring people with disabilities as a way to continuously support our mission.
Places of worship are often silent partners who embrace the under-served. Their thoughts and generosity fulfill immediate needs and frequently expand to individual friendships as communities welcome people with disabilities. The Arc would be happy to deepen connections by supporting congregation members to volunteer for Parents' Day out and Sibshops. Valuing peer-to-peer opportunities, we would enjoy partnering with high school youth groups to coordinate ongoing social opportunities for young adults we serve to make friends.
Creating community connections is an important part of The Arc's mission and can successfully be accomplished when individual leaders within communities thoughtfully make little changes that go a long way. Are you a neighbor to someone who could benefit from a friend? Do you belong to a social or civic organization that can expand membership? Do the hallways of your school create safe, happy spaces for all? Are you business practices inclusive? Remember the importance you have and make a resolution that will resonate year-round!
To make a resolution to continuously contribute to your community, contact Aaron at or (301) 663-0909 x126.