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Ask The Arc

How Do I Navigate through the Maze of Services?

How Do I Navigate through the Maze of Services?

The Arc provides navigation services to connect people to available resources and offers a variety of programs such as respite care, family support, and individual empowerment.  Clinically-trained Support Coordinators facilitate a monthly Parents’ Day Out, Sibshops, Self-Advocacy, and Hispanic Outreach Support Group.  These supports are available to all community members.
In addition, Support Coordinators provide individualized assistance to inform people of resources they might be eligible to access.  Several resources have waiting lists or are time-sensitive, so knowledgeable navigation is helpful at various stages on one’s journey.
The Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA) is a funding source for home, employment, and community services for people with developmental disabilities.  Applicants must be found eligible for services and are frequently put on a waiting list to access full services.  It is important to be identified eligible as early as possible, so applying for this life-long support is highly encouraged.  Applicants can contact DDA directly at: 1 (888) 791-0193.  The Division of Rehabilitation Services (DORS) is a separate, employment-specific support that is often blended with DDA.  DORS can be reached at: (240) 629-7581.
The Autism Waiver provides individual support, family training, respite care, and other services to qualifying Maryland students with autism.  While this support is at capacity, securing a position on the Waiting List Registry to apply is critical.  Families can put their child on the registry by calling 1 (866) 417-3480.
The Social Security Administration (SSA) can provide Supplement Security Income (SSI) for eligible families based on income.  Most adults with developmental disabilities will be eligible for SSI upon their eighteenth birthday, however maintaining assets in ABLE (Achieving a Better Life Experience) accounts and monitoring other income and savings limits is important.  Advanced planning will limit complications with accessing this monthly cash and insurance benefit.  Support Coordinators can provide guidance in preparation for contacting SSA at 1 (888) 772-1213.
Futures Planning is provided by trained Support Coordinators to assist with referrals to create Wills and Special Needs Trusts; provide information on Alternatives to Guardianship; and help families prepare Letters of Intent to pass the torch to the next caregiver.

Disability-specific resources are frequently leveraged with housing, financial, and community services to maximize benefits while safely supporting people in their communities.  Contact The Arc at (301) 663-0909 for helpful assistance!

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