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Holiday Donations Appeal 2024

November 2024
Dear Friends,
 “All it takes is faith, trust, and a little bit of pixie dust," is a Disney mantra that was popular at the time a group of parents in Frederick County joined forces to dream of a community that embraced their children as opposed to following the tradition of hiding people with disabilities in institutions. These parents had nothing but faith and trust in each other as counter-culture pioneers when they turned to their neighbors, friends, congregations, and community leaders and asked them to be the pixie dust that would support their children to fly.

Their black and white pictures are pinned down in photograph albums along with aged newspaper clippings boasting the beginning of The Arc of Frederick County. Flipping through pages of pictures of the first school for children with disabilities and seeing the creation of day and employment services is like stepping into The World of Oz as each person's story is transformed from bleak and dark to bright, lively colors. On the yellow brick road to their futures, people with disabilities and their parents were met with the wisdom, kindness, and courage of the Frederick community who showed them there is no place like home.

Sometimes as adults, we forget about the joy our old toys in the attic brought us. The magic we once believed in can be a distant memory.  The day-to-day gets in the way of the field of dreams we held close to our hearts once upon a time.  In Frederick, a cup of hot chocolate and a walk under the twinkling lights of Market Street petitions one's soul to feel magic once again.

This Holiday Season, The Arc of Frederick County reminds our partners to remember the magic that each of you bring to the lives of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities when you welcome them as friends, neighbors, fellow students, and co-workers. The friendly invitation you make to open up your community to a person served by The Arc creates a butterfly effect today that makes for a better tomorrow.

The Arc of Frederick County thanks you for thinking of the families and people with intellectual and developmental disabilities we serve and appreciates your kindness and generosity this holiday season!


Shauna Mulcahy
Executive Director


I want to support The Arc and the many services that help my neighbors!

Select an amount below to be taken to Paypal to complete the transaction.  Thank you for all of your support this holiday season!

© 2025 The Arc of Frederick County

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