What are SibShops?
SibShops are a celebration of the many contributions made by brothers and sisters of kids with developmental disabilities. SibShops reflect a belief that brothers and sisters have much to offer one another if they are given a chance. Siblings participate in a spirited mix of new games (designed to be unique, off-beat, and appealing to a wide ability range), participate in discussion activities, and get to know others who have something in common with them -- a sibling with a disability. Sessions will have snacks and may include crafts, discussion groups, and other lively activities.
When and Where?
The Arc of Frederick County offers a series of workshops for siblings, ages 8-13. SibShops meet on the second Saturday of each month, from 1-4pm.
If you'd like your child to attend, you can register by downloading, printing, and sending in the printable registration form, or by submitting the electronic version below.
For information, please call The Arc of Frederick County at 301-663-0909 x127 or email Qionna Irby at