Transitioning Youth
What is this?
This page offers information about services and plans for life after graduation from the public school system.
Who should use this?
Students receiving Special Education services, parents, teachers, service providers and anyone else involved in planning for the Transition period (18-21).
What can I expect to find here?
You will find information about resources, services, benefits, other websites for agencies and organizations, contact numbers, and more.
What are Transition Services?
When your child graduates from their high school program, it is very important to have plans in place for employment and adult living activities. This process is called Transition, and includes planning and exploring activities and services such as; job training, day programs, independent living skills, continuing education, community involvement and other adult services. This will also include planning for your child's financial support needs, including benefits he/she may be entitled to, estate planning and housing. When your child is 14 years old, the process begins for making choices and thinking of future needs. You may find it helpful to refer to the timeline of suggestions to accomplish prior to graduation. If you have questions about this process as your child approaches middle school, please contact your child's case manager in the special education department.
As this process continues through middle and high school, it will be important to have information about the services and activities your child will need outside of the school program. The Arc of Frederick County provides information, referrals, advocacy and connections to community services for people with developmental disabilities and their families. As a Support Coordinator, we are available to meet with you, attend IEP meetings, and assist with the planning process to help ensure a smooth transition for your child from school into adult life.
Please call any time: